by eftrain331 | Aug 11, 2015 | Safety, Weather
Few topics in Oilfield Training are more region specific than the weather. In certain regions, some types of extreme weather are much more or less likely. In South Texas, however, the meeting of mid-continent and gulf coast regions means that all types of severe... by eftrain331 | Aug 10, 2015 | Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, is caused by the breakdown of organic material within an anaerobic environment. An oilfield is typically an “anaerobic” or oxygen deprived environment because it is buried thousands of feet deep. Many oils may also contain a significant... by eftrain331 | Aug 10, 2015 | Safety
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Coming to work with a high sense of awareness is of utmost importance in oilfield safety. The use of drugs and alcohol can impair that sense of awareness and put the impaired and other workers at risk. As a condition of employment, all workers may be... by eftrain331 | Aug 9, 2015 | SafeLand, Safety
SafeLand training is an important step to giving oilfield workers some awareness of fire safety. All workers must understand the potential risks for generating an oilfield fire. They must also understand how to never expose themselves to risk by leaving an escape for... by eftrain331 | Aug 8, 2015 | Hydrogen Sulfide
EAGLE FORD TRAINING SAN ANTONIO H2S TRAINING MIND MAP H2S is a small and simple molecule yet it interacts with oil and gas processes in complex and varied ways. When the H2S molecule reaches the lungs of the oilfield worker in even small quantities the results... by eftrain331 | Aug 8, 2015 | SafeLand
HIGH QUALITY SAFELAND ORIENTATION SafeLand is well known to provide the best quality safety training for most areas in the United States oilfields. Three accreditation programs, PEC, IADC, and ETC, are able to grant providers access to the SafeLand program. Training... by eftrain331 | Jul 21, 2015 | SafeLand, Safety
Looking for SafeLand Test-Out? Click here for the test-out option page for qualified and experienced workers RIGPASS TESTING In order to successfully complete the RigPass with SafeLand endorsement, each student must complete a 100-question test and answer 80 of them... by eftrain331 | Jul 13, 2015 | Hydrogen Sulfide
SAN ANTONIO H2S RIGSITE PROCESS CONTROLS As we’ve written before, the oil and gas rigsite tends to present a unique set of challenges for process safety in response to H2S hazards. The combination of rugged outdoor environments and dirty confined spaces is especially... by eftrain331 | Jul 12, 2015 | Safety, Weather
As temperatures increase and summer drags on, heat stress injuries and dehydration can become more common. See also: post on cold weather illness Heat stress prevention tips: Stay physically fit and healthy Acclimation to heat can take 5 to 7 days Drink extra water... by eftrain331 | Jul 9, 2015 | SafeLand, Safety
Driving from San Antonio to the rig is statistically the most dangerous position in the South Texas oil and gas industry. There are a few particular risks to driving in South Texas oilfields that are different from driving in urban San Antonio. The RigPass program...