

SafeLand is well known to provide the best quality safety training for most areas in the United States oilfields. Three accreditation programs, PEC, IADC, and ETC, are able to grant providers access to the SafeLand program. Training providers for each of the accreditation programs can be found in each of the major basins, including San Antonio and across South Texas. With a program that fits so well across the spectrum of oilfield safety training, SafeLand is also well suited for safety training in South Texas.


At Eagle Ford Training San Antonio, we are accredited through the IADC RigPass program to deliver the SafeLand orientation to oilfield workers in South Texas. For our RigPass program, each section allows for open reflection prompts where the workers can further consider their own place in the oil and gas industry. They are prompted to think about the types of hazards and limits of PPE that are specific to their area beyond the general overview taught in the lessons. After thinking about the hazards, the student workers are then prompted to think about the types of questions they would ask their supervisors to find more hazards specific to South Texas and what to do to mitigate them. This prompting of the students to reflect on their own work-site makes SafeLand more engaging and more specific to South Texas or wherever it is taught.


A good SafeLand facilitator will go beyond dictation and create discussions with each of the oilfield workers and between them as well. Students love “war stories” and this creates lots of interest and engagement as the students discuss hazards from previous jobs. These stories also impart to any worker who is completely new to the oilfields just how real these hazards are. Additionally, nothing could be more local to South Texas than stories of oil and gas hazards told by the workers in San Antonio (located in South Texas) itself. When the instructor keeps a high level of interaction with the students then this becomes an important and enjoyable part of the SafeLand orientation.


The benefit of the SafeLand accreditation models is that many training providers are able to start up and provide the orientation in various areas. This usually means that even distant producing areas will likely have a local SafeLand provider. For those working in South Texas, this holds true as they can now conveniently access safety training in San Antonio.

Need SafeLand on Saturday? Check out the Saturday Safeland program!